In accordance with the constitution, the President presented the government’s annual policies and programmes for the fiscal year 2081/82 on May 19 at the joint meeting of the House of Representatives (HoR) and the National Assembly (NA) at a time when the nation is reeling under the economic hardships. The on-going deliberations on the government’s policies and programmes in the House seem to be a bit different as compared to the previous years’ owing to the presence of young and energetic lawmakers representing RSP and RPP in the HoR. The NA completed its deliberation on it and has passed it with a majority votes “NA passes govt policies and programmes” (THT, May 24, Page 1). The UML lawmakers voted against it.
This has been a ritualistic practice for any party’s government to present rosy and highly optimistic annual plan and programme without considering the real needs of the nation and the people. As a result, most of the planned programme and allocated budget could not be appropriately implemented and spent within the specified time, resulting in many planned development projects remaining unimplemented for a number of years directly and indirectly affecting the lives of the common people. In fact, the government lacks programme budgeting and proper monitoring and supervision system, hampering timely and quality implementation of planned development projects.
Tough times are ahead for the 10-party coalition government, considering the challenges of securing the budget needed for next year’s plan and programme owing to acute economic recession and meeting the high expectations of the people since the level of their frustration towards the major political parties, who have completely failed to deliver the desired level of services to the people in the past, is high. It remains to be seen whether the upcoming budget presentation by the Finance Minister will be able to calm down the people’s anxiety for the time being.
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