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Irresponsible leaders

The Himalayan Times
24 March 2023

Irresponsible leaders

Following the provincial and federal elections held last November, senior leaders of the major political parties and the other fringe parties have been showing their true political colours by playing musical chairs to form a comfortable government and grab the opportunity for the ministerial berths undermining the national issues and people’s hardships. Politicians are elected public officials who should be sincerely putting their effort to follow the democratic norms and values in true sense and need to be accountable to their voters. During an election, politicians put forward all their commitments and promises in their election manifestos and speeches to lure voters towards them. However, their commitments and promises are hardly fulfilled as expected by the people. Now, the people have started realizing that most of these promises are not fulfilled and have started showing concerns about their political representatives’ honesty.


The political system has drastically changed over the last three decades; however, the attitude and working style of senior political leaders have not changed. Governments rarely run a full term owing to the irresponsible political acts of the senior leaders. The elected representatives are gradually losing people’s trust thus creating frustration towards the existing political structure. Corrupt politics and bad governance have been burning issues for many years. The political leaders, instead of serving the people, have been using their positions for their own personal gain. This has resulted in widespread corruption, where the authorities and public funds are misused pushing the nation towards an economic crisis and social unrest.

The on-going political bargaining for the lucrative ministries among the eleven-coalition partners is nothing but directly or indirectly disrespecting the people’s mandate given them through the ballots during the elections. In fact, the NC, the largest party in the HoR was supposed to form the government in a parliamentary democratic system, which was not possible due to its irresponsible political acts. Likewise, the other fringe parties are supposed to play constructive opposition roles as mandated by their voters. It is unfortunate to see most of the elected leaders being more concerned about securing their own positions and enriching themselves, rather than working towards the betterment of the country and its people. 


