Rabi Lamichhane, a popular television journalist, who set the world record for hosting the longest-ever television talk show broadcast in April 2013, surprisingly started his political journey by forming the Rastriya Swatantra Party (RSP), just six month prior to the general election held on November 20 last year. To everyone’s amazement, his party won 20 seats in the House of Representatives (HoR) and became the fourth largest party in the House. Following this unexpected electoral success, the RSP joined the Dahal-led seven-party coalition government under Lamichhane’s leadership as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs. He achieved this remarkable political accomplishment in just six months of his political journey. Federalism - can Nepal sustain it?
Despite his immense popularity, the SC’s ruling over his citizenship has somewhat darkened his political career. It was surprising to learn how he, as a well-known journalist, failed to reclaim his Nepali citizenship after denouncing U.S. citizenship. Was it his ignorance or a massive blunder on his part? It might take some time for the SC to release its full text verdict on the citizenship issue. Until then, PM Dahal does not seem in the mood to offer Lamichhane back his old portfolio “PM to keep home portfolio” (THT, February 1, Page 1). It remains to be seen whether his party, RSP, can hold its patience until then and continue to remain in the Dahal-led coalition government.Maintain your health
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