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Showing posts from September, 2022

Misuse of PR system

  The Himalayan Times 30 September 2022 Misuse of PR system Nepal is holding the second general elections at the provincial and federal level on November 20 in a single phase in accordance with 2015 promulgated constitution to elect the 275 members of the House of Representatives (H0R). There will be two ballot papers in the election; one to elect 165 members from single-member constituencies via   first-past-the-post voting (FPTP), and the other to elect the remaining 110 members from a single nation-wide constituency via party-list proportional representation (PR). The proportional representation system was meant to ensure the representation of the people from the marginalised and underrepresented communities in the state organs. As per the Election Commission, the closed list must have 28.7 per cent share of the indigenous and janajatis, 31.2 per cent Khas-Arya, 6.6 per cent Tharus, 13.8 per cent Dalits, 15.3 per cent Madhesis, 4.4 per cent Muslims, and 4.3 per cent...

Constitutional tussle between the President and five-party ruling alliance

  Constitutional tussle between the President and five-party ruling alliance President Bidhya Devi Bhandari refused to give her assent to the controversial citizenship bill, which was forwarded to her office by the House of Representatives (HoR) for the second time, after holding it for 15 days.  The five-party ruling alliance has heavily criticized the president's refusal to assent the citizenship bill. It has issued a joint statement this afternoon criticizing her refusal and blaming her for violating her constitutional rights.   Both houses of the Parliament had passed the bill as it is and forwarded it to the president for the second time. In fact , she had returned the bill to the HoR on August 14 with her message asking the house to reconsider it and address her concerns, particularly about the dignity of single mothers, citizenship with provincial identity, and provisions relating to matrimonial naturalization. This scary political situation may create a r...

Executive vs judiciary

  The Himalayan Times 16 September 2022 Executive vs judiciary The country has witnessed three revolutions for democracy in the past seven decades. The first was in 1950 when the people revolted to end the century-long autocratic Rana regime. After that, it took 30 years to restore the democracy until the people launched another decisive street protest in 1990 upon the call of the major political parties. The country adopted multiparty democracy with constitutional monarchy. However, the parties elected to power failed to live up to the expectations of the people; rather they were found to be engaged in petty and factional politics that resulted in growing frustration towards the political parties. The legislative, executive, and judicial powers are the three organs of a government. These organs are balanced in such a way that the power balance system is practically maintained. However, Nepal’s executive and judiciary seem to be having unhealthy relations with each other fo...

HoR losing its dignity?

  The Himalayan Times 9 September 2022 HoR losing its dignity? It seems that the major political parties and some of the fringe parties joining hands together assume that they can do anything they want in the name of majority in the House of Representative (HoR). During the last one year, this government had passed some major bills concerning national interest through “Yea” or “Nay” voice system undermining the democratic norms, the role of the opposition and other fringe parties’ lawmakers. Among them was the much controversial citizenship bill that was passed using a fast track system sidelining the normal process of the HoR. Also the National Assembly had passed the bill without doing any serious deliberation. It was not unusual to see Rajendra Lingden, RPP Chair, announcing his resignation from the lower house, citing it would be morally unfair for him to continue as a lawmaker and receive perks and benefits even after the announcement of the upcoming provincial and fed...

Balen’s demolition drive

  The Himalayan Times 2 September 2022 Balen’s demolition drive Nepal has experienced many political changes in the last seven decades. It has seen many political leaders making rosy promises to the public especially in the last three decades; however, they have completely failed to fulfill their promises. Most of them are still around and leading the major political parties along with their second-rung leaders, who seem to be wrongly spoon-feeding their bosses, around them. Unfortunately, they have pushed the nation towards unstable political situation and made it a playground for the foreign powers for this and that reasons, especially in the recent years, owing to their irresponsible and anti-nationalist political acts just for clinging to the power. What a shame is on them. EARN MONEY JUST BY CLICKING ADS. The recent local level election in some of the metropolitan cities showed unexpected results which was a heavy political blow to the major political party's candidat...