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Unexpected scenario

 The Himalayan Times

14 April 2021

Unexpected scenario

One should not be surprised seeing the existing political mess, created by the undemocratic political activities of some of the senior leaders of major political parties, which must be giving them a real political shock. I hope, they will realize their past political blunder in time and take conciliatory political moves. Otherwise, it could prove a costly political affair for them in the coming days.


It has been almost two months since the Nepali Congress, the Maoist Centre and the JSP-N, who had vehemently objected to PM Oli’s decision to dissolve the HoR, have not been able to form a new government “JSP-N still to take a call on dumping Oli's government” (THT. 14 April, Page 2). It seems that they are busy bargaining among themselves to fulfil their own personal agenda rather than holding discussing about national agenda and reaching a consensus to form the next government. This situation has given Oli’s government an opportunity to continue leading his much-criticized government. Considering the on-going political uncertainty, Pradip Giri suggested forming a consensus government “PM cautioned against dissolving HoR again” (TH, 13 April, Page 1) in yesterday’s HoR session.

If they fail to form another coalition government, then a favourable option for like-minded senior leaders of the major political parties would be to go for conciliatory politics by taking the bold steps of either amending the current constitution or reviving the 2047 constitution, which could accommodate the king, all the political parties, nationalists, disgruntled forces, and the common people. Otherwise, sooner or later, the country might plunge into an uncontrollable political mess and precarious social disorder.

Rai Biren Bangdel


