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Don’t coerce apex court

 The Himalayan Times

4 February 2021

Don’t coerce apex court

Following the dissolution of the House of Representatives (HoR) on December 20, different political parties, political analysts, constitutional experts, civil society leaders and individuals have been demonstrating for and against it in the streets. PM Oli’s rival faction in the party, led by Prachand and Madhav Nepal, seem to be more vigorously protesting in the streets against the HoR dissolution, claiming it as a regressive move and unconstitutional, and threatening to make the protest more aggressive in the coming days. Also the Nepali Congress (NC) is flexing its political muscle by organizing street protests and mass demonstrations in different parts of the country against the HoR dissolution.

It is known to them that the case is under deliberation at the Supreme Court(SC), and its final verdict is yet to come, However, the Prachand-Madhav Nepal faction seems to be intentionally ignoring this situation and trying to publicly undermine the judiciary and instigate the people to join their street protests “Contempt of court case filed against Dahal” (THT, Feb 02, Page 2). Likewise, NC leader Ramchandra Poudel opined that the HoR would be reinstated as if he knew that the SC’s verdict would come in its favour “HoR will be reinstated, says NC leader Paudel” (THT, Feb 02, Page 2).

Similarly, is it Ok for the PM Oli to continue claiming that the HoR will not be reinstated as if he is dead sure that the SC’s verdict be in his favour? ”Oli rules out possibility of HoR reinstatement” (THT, Feb 02, Page 2). Why don’t they let the SC completes its hearings and gives its final verdict?

Rai Biren Bangdel

