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Are there any clandestine political motives?

 Are there any clandestine political motives?

I am sure the people might have been now more confused looking at the on-going political mess on the streets and wondering which party is in the government and which party is against the government at such time when both factions are claiming to be the authentic NCP and when the deliberation is going on at the Supreme Court (SC) about the HoR dissolution. The people have started casting doubts on the recent obstructive political activities of these two factions whether there were any clandestine agenda and motives between these two factions to derail the recent mass demonstrations of pro-Hindu and pro-royalist groups.   






It was surprising to see the government led by Oli faction itself organizing such mass protest in the capital city and seemed to be the gross misuse of power, state resources and machinery in the name of defending democracy and republican order. On the other side, the other faction led by Prachand-Madhav Nepal has been instigating the people to join in their street protests claiming to be the authentic NCP and blaming the Oli led faction for being regressive forces and had even called for nation-wide bandh a few days ago paralyzing the daily affairs of the common people.

It is so sad and unfortunate to see the NCP senior leaders engaged in self-cantered politics and destroying the national image in the international arena by showing undisciplined political culture and behaviour. It is not so sure how long the common people will have to bear the brunt of their irresponsible and insensible political acts.
