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What a political mess?

What a political mess?

It has been almost three years the then UML and the then Maoist (Centre) had merged forming the Nepal Communist Party (NPC) which was able to garner almost two thirds majority votes during the general elections. Was it a marriage of convenience between these two communist parties having different political philosophy for the sake of their political benefits or was it really for the sake of national interest? This ambiguity is still alive considering the on-going political tug of war between the two chairs. The NCP has not been able to complete their merger process even after three years of merger announced just before the three tiers of elections.

The opportunist behaviour and attitude of the other senior leaders of the NCP has been another factor for the on-going internal political feud which has completely tarnished the political image of the ruling party. The people seem to be completely frustrated with the government for its sluggish and poor performance.

The two chairpersons are the real trouble makers who continue to publicly show their political egos for their self-centered politics undermining the national interest and peoples’ hardships during this critical time of pandemic. If they continue to show their irresponsible political acts, sooner or later, the people might come out to the streets demanding to end their unwanted political drama. What do they do? It is yet to be seen.

Conflict deepens in ruling party as Oli spurns, once again, Dahal’s call for Secretariat meeting

 Dahal proposes but Oli disposes.

The ongoing conflict between the two chairs of the Nepal Communist Party–KP Sharma Oli and Pushpa Kamal Dahal–is deepening by the day. A day after Oli sent his confidantes as emissaries to Dahal’s residence, the Dahal faction, comprising senior leaders Madhav Kumar Nepal, Jhala Nath Khanal, Bamdev Gautam and Narayan Kaji Shrestha, on Tuesday once again proposed that Oli call a Secretariat meeting.

Oli refused.

Earlier on Saturday, the Dahal faction had also submitted a letter to Oli, requesting him to call the Secretariat meeting. Oli has maintained but one stance—that any party committee meeting would be held on an as-needed basis and for that to happen, there must be an agreement between the two chairmen first.

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